
Top 5 Favorite SWL Antennas

Discover the top five shortwave listening antennas, each offering unique benefits to enhance your SWL experience.


LOG Antenna Building and Testing

Recently, I came across the Loop On Ground (LOG) antenna, which is a type of receive-only antenna that promises excellent performance and ease of construction. Intrigued by its potential, I decided to give it a try and see how it performs.


Gutter Antenna The Ultimate Stealth

Are you looking for an antenna solution that won’t attract unwanted attention from your neighbors or violate your community’s antenna restrictions? Look no further than your own home’s gutter system.


DIY Passive Loop vs T2FD

Recently, I decided to compare a DIY Passive Loop to a Terminated Folded Dipole antenna to see how they performed against each other.


Introduction to Beverage Antennas

Imagine a simple wire, stretched out across the landscape, capturing radio waves from the air. This is the essence of the Beverage antenna.

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