Fixing WXtoIMG 301 Error

If you’re a weather enthusiast, then you might be familiar with WXtoIMG software. It is a great software tool for downloading and processing satellite images. However, since July 2022 the software will encounter a frustrating issue: a “301 Moved Permanently” error that prevents users from updating Keplers, which are used to track satellite orbits. If you’re encountering this error, don’t worry! Here’s a step-by-step guide on fixing WXtoIMG 301 error.

There are two solutions to the error: using WXtoProxy to create a proxy service or using PowerShell and a Windows task to download the file. In this guide, we will focus on using WXtoProxy, which is a simple and easy solution for Fixing WXtoIMG 301 Error.

Step 1: Download WXtoProxy

First, visit the wxtoimgrestored website and click on the link to the WXtoProxy GitHub page. Then, download the appropriate version of the software (64bit or 32bit) and save it to your computer.

Step 2: Configure WXtoIMG

Open the WXtoIMG software and select “Internet Options” under the “Options” menu. Check the box to “Use Proxy Server” and enter “” for the Proxy Host and “8080” for the Proxy Port. Click OK and close WXtoIMG.

Step 3: Copy WXtoProxy to WXtoIMG directory

Copy the downloaded WXtoProxy file to the wxtoimg directory under Program Files (X86).

Step 4: Create a desktop shortcut for WXtoProxy

Right-click the copied WXtoProxy file and select “Send To” > “Desktop (create shortcut)”. This creates a desktop shortcut for easy access.

Step 5: Use WXtoProxy

Double-click on the desktop shortcut to open WXtoProxy. A console window will load and display the status of the proxy server. Once WXtoProxy finishes loading, select “File” > “Update Keplers” from the menu. This will update your Keplers without any errors.

And that’s it! By following these simple steps, you can easily fix the WXtoIMG 301 error and get back to using the software without any issues.

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