Is CB Radio Dead

When CB radio reached its height of popularity in the 70s and 80s, it was a common sight to see people chatting on their radios in their cars and homes. But over time, CB radio lost its appeal, and it seemed like the hobby was dying out. But can FM bring it back?

The Decline

I remember feeling disappointed when I saw fewer and fewer people using CB radio. It was disheartening to see the radio frequencies so quiet, with no one to talk to. Even truck drivers, who were once the primary users of CBs, seemed to prefer using cell phones instead.

But recently, I have noticed a glimmer of hope for CB radio enthusiasts. Some retailers, such as Walcott Radio, have reported an increase in sales of CB radios and a surge in new operators. Even the FCC has seen a seven percent increase in ham radio license applications and a 700 percent increase in online learning sites over the past year.

I have been listening in on the CB radio band with my SDR Play RSP1A and have noticed some interesting things. While channel 6 is full of people running linear amps with 3000 watts or more, making it hard to understand what they are saying, I have been able to pick up some truck drivers on channel 38. They talk about traffic and weigh stations, which is always interesting to listen to.


But what’s driving this revitalization of CB? It seems that the COVID-19 pandemic might be playing a role. With people stuck at home and looking for something to do, CB radio provides a way to connect with others and stay entertained.

There is even talk of FM transmission being allowed on the CB spectrum, which could be a game-changer for the hobby. Manufacturers such as Cobra and Motorola have requested the FCC to grant them the privileges to transmit FM on the CB spectrum, and if this is allowed, it could bring a new level of excitement to the hobby.

Final Thoughts

While CB radio may have lost its popularity in the past, it seems that it is making a comeback, and I couldn’t be happier. The radio frequencies are coming back to life, and there is a renewed sense of excitement in the air. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for CBs and how it will evolve in the coming years.

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