Pirate Radio, How to Listen on Shortwave

Pirate radio has been around since the early days of radio broadcasting, and it’s still alive and kicking today. For those who are unfamiliar, pirate radio refers to radio stations that operate without an official license from a regulatory body. These stations are usually set up by individuals or groups who want to broadcast content that is not supported by mainstream media. Pirate radio has a long and storied history, and it’s a fascinating subculture that is worth exploring.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of tuning into pirates on shortwave. Shortwave radio is a great way to listen to pirates, as it provides a wide range of frequencies to tune into. Shortwave radio can be a bit intimidating for beginners, but with the right tools and knowledge, anyone can learn how to tune into pirate radio.

Get the Right Equipment

To tune into a pirate broadcast on shortwave, you will need a radio that is capable of tuning shortwave frequencies. We recommend using an SDR radio, which stands for software-defined radio. An SDR radio is a type of radio that allows you to see a portion of the radio spectrum visually. This feature is particularly useful when searching for pirate radio stations, as it allows you to see stations that might start broadcasting even when you are tuned to another frequency.

SDR radios can be expensive, but the cost of entry can be as cheap as around $20. We recommend starting with an RTL-SDR USB dongle. This is a low-cost SDR that is easy to use and provides great value for money. You can find them on eBay here.

Where to Look

Pirate stations can transmit on any frequency, but they tend to congregate around certain frequencies. A very popular spot for pirates is centered around the frequency of 6925 kHz. However, pirate radio stations can also be found between 6880 to 7000 kHz and 4020 to 4185 kHz. Remember, pirates can and do show up anywhere, so keep an open mind and be patient.

When to Listen

Pirates can broadcast at any time, but you can increase your chances of catching a broadcast by listening on weekends and around the hours of 2200 to 0200 UTC. You can check time.gov for the current UTC time. Holidays are also a great time to listen to pirates, with Halloween historically being a favorite holiday for pirate radio stations.

What to Expect

Pirate radio stations can broadcast any kind of content they like. They don’t have to follow the rules of mainstream media, so you can expect to hear some unique and unusual content. Pirate stations often choose a theme for their broadcasts, such as hot or love, and all the songs they play will be about or mention that theme. They may also play a genre of music, such as classical, rock, jazz, or blues. Some pirate radio stations broadcast stories or talk radio-style content, while others play strange noises or even slow scan television, which is the transmission of images over the radio.

Where to Go for More Information

If you’re having trouble finding a pirate station, or you want to learn more about the pirate radio subculture, there are a few resources you can turn to. The website hfunderground.com has a great forum dedicated to pirate radio, where members post details about pirate broadcasts. The site also has a Facebook group that is very useful.

Pirate radio is a fascinating subculture that is worth exploring. With the right equipment, knowledge, and patience, anyone can enjoy listening to their broadcasts.

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